U.S. Supreme Court has no right to declined to hear a life and death case [Davis, convicted of the 1989 killing of a police officer, was put to death by lethal injection at 11.08 local time Thursday at a prison in central Georgia after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a final appeal, a prison official said.]http://news.yahoo.com/execution-looms-georgia-inmate-denied-polygraph-003837619.html 1. U.S.Supreme Court must have no right to decline hearing a life and death case. U.S.Supreme Court must more deserve to be 酒店打工killed than Davis after they decline to hear his case. U.S.Supreme Court dare not willing not able not to hear death and live case, all that U.S.Supreme Court judges must have no right to keep their life time in any way. The crime U.S.Supreme Court committed in this declined to hear a life and death final appeal is "Shameless Brainless Immoral Cold Cold Hard", all US Court Judges under that declined to hear must have to be killed i 酒店兼職mmediately. 2. The Lawyer should ask U.S.Military Court to try this case after U.S.Supreme Court declined to hear.3. Prison has no right to allow any inmate to get any injection under prison official watch. That entire prison official must more deserve to be killed than Davis after that prison official allowing anyone to lethal injection Davis to death (because it's a crime of so called suicide assistance committed by government funded by so ma 濾桶ny Americans who don't even agree with volunteer doctor-assisted suicide in any way. I think all church goers and all religion grouped should form a best attorney team to sue USA government right away.) under that sucking prison official watch. 4. US Special licensed to kill, should do the duty to kill all US Supreme Court judges, and all prison official workers in central Georgia. If you don't do the duty to kill those more powerful more forceful more deserve to be kil 新成屋led than Davis, your entire USA must have to die for your unrighteous unjustice crime. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Therefore, I realized then Governor Bush did not accept that female inmate pardon case, not because he did not want to parden her, because he agree that his State of Texas's one of the United States of America, those or that who did not demand US President to parden that female inmate ins 找房子ide the State of Texas, because they don't think the USA has right to be the boss of the State of Texas, because the State of Texas should either belong to the nation of Mexico, or under US military occupy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Therefore, I realized that entire USA so called Fed government is a crime of lie; the United States of America, should have only Independent individual States, and Washington D.C., and U.S.Military. Washing 禮服ton D.C. can only have Congress, US Supreme Court, and White House; U.S.Military can have right to be any place inside USA.---------------------------------------------------------------------------U.S.Superme Court cannot have right to throw any civilian case, unless the Court does not agree that case is coming from any State of USA. Therefore, the US Supreme Court must be killed for the crime they just committed today to throw Davis appeal out (Davis, convicted of the 1989 killing of a police officer, was put to death by lethal injection at 整合負債11.08 local time Thursday at a prison in central Georgia after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a final appeal, a prison official said.), unless U.S.Supreme Court can see the point like many church goers in Texas can see that Georgia like Texas must not belong to USA but either under U.S.Military occupy or belongs to other national territory.Because if US Supreme Court sees Georgia under USA lead, that US Supreme Court must have to do the good will duty to tell (What in the case too many cases coming into US Supreme Court for tells? US Supreme can order all t ARMANIhose cases inmates to live inside White House or camp on White House lawn, and if White House and White House garden lawn not big enough to load those pending cases, US Supreme Court can ask U.S.Military to take care or share those over loaded cases along with US Supreme Court. US Supreme Court cannot have that mankind heart, mankind hot, mankind brain to take care democratic system must needed civil righteous, dare get the path and stick to get into US Supreme Court to steal any judge's seat, that entire US Supreme Court must be killed immediately.) that Davis attorney how to tak 21世紀房屋仲介e next action or step to seek absolute righteous justice for his client, even US Supreme Court may think they have no right to try that case, instead of committing shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard crime of declined to hear a poor civilian life and death case because that poor civilian obviously lack of money to hire most experienced sharpest eyes attorney.China Communist and anyone who can know how to bomb, really need to do the righteous duty to bomb US Supreme Court out of this Earth. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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